Adult coloring books are a popular trend. People like coloring because it is a creative and fun activity that doesn’t require formal training or art classes.
Although you can download coloring pages from websites and web stores, sometimes you just want a physical book. And there are a LOT of printed coloring books available. With so many books available, how do you pick out the perfect book for yourself?
Here are some questions to ask when buying a coloring book:
1. Does it have thick paper?
Look for coloring books with heavy paper. Thick paper prevents coloring pencils and markers from bleeding through the paper and ruining the other side.
The pressure of the coloring pencils can make dents in the thinner paper. Thicker paper is more sturdy and will resist the pressure of the pencils better than thinner paper.
If you have a book with thin paper, copy the pictures using heavier paper. Then color in the copies instead. You can also just place a few sheets of paper between the image you are working on and the following page to protect it.
2. Is the art printed on only 1 side of the paper?
Some coloring books only print the art on one side of a page. This is great because if the colors bleed through, there is no picture on the other side to ruin.
If the art is on both sides of the paper sheet and you are afraid the color will bleed through, you might want to copy the picture and color in the copies instead.
3. Is the paper removable?
If you are planning to keep the book intact, then perforations may not matter to you.
However, sometimes you might want to frame your finished coloring piece or give it to someone as a gift. In that case, perforations would allow you to easily remove your finished piece of artwork.
4. How easy is it to color?
There are many different types of coloring books for adults. Some have simple designs without many details, while others have more complex pictures.
If you are a beginner, you might want to start with a book that has simpler designs. If you’re looking for a challenge, try a book with more intricate designs.
Simple designs can be faster to complete since they have fewer elements to color in.
Complex coloring books often take more time to finish. In addition, detailed coloring pages can be more difficult for people with hand mobility issues or visual difficulties.
5. Does it have traditional line art or is it grayscale?
Traditional line art:
This is the coloring book style you may have used when you were little. It has lines and no shadowed areas. Usually, the lines are black with minimal color variation. However, sometimes the lines can be lighter or even a different color, such as sepia brown.
The lines form the border of the image and you usually don’t cover over them.
Grayscale coloring books have pictures with shades of gray ranging from light to very dark. They look a little bit like old-fashioned black and white photographs.
They are an exciting alternative to regular coloring books because they usually have more detail because of the shading.
You color directly over the gray areas. The gray adds a high degree of realism to the final artwork. You don’t have to know how to add shading because it is already included in the picture.
6. What kind of pictures are in it?
When choosing what you want to color, the sky is the limit. There is something out there for everyone.
If you are looking for a way to relax, mandala or zen doodle coloring books may be the perfect solution. Their repetitive patterns can be very soothing.
Looking for a pick-me-up?
Motivational and inspirational coloring books have uplifting, positive affirmations and quotes. Some have quotes from famous people. Others include verses from religious sources such as the Bible or the teachings of Buddha.
There are books for people who love animals or flowers or fantasy art.
Whether you like spooky things, manga, fairy tales, or a good joke, there is something for you.
Want to color and read a story at the same time? Look for coloring books that are also storybooks.
Regular coloring books too tame? Looking for adult coloring books that are a bit moreā¦. adult? There are also coloring books exclusively for the 18+ coloring book enthusiasts. They include all sorts of coloring options. For example, swear word coloring books are trendy. There are also trippy psychedelic books as well as other NSFW coloring books.
7. How much does it cost?
The prices of coloring books vary widely. Of course, books printed on higher quality paper will cost more, but they can be worth it. Your local book store or craft store may have an adult coloring book section. You can also find books online at places like Amazon.
Inexpensive books can be found at discount shops like the dollar store. Thrift shops and overstock outlets may also have some coloring books at a cheaper price.
8. What do other people think of the book?
Amazon is a good place to get reviews as long as the book is being sold on their site. Etsy is also a place to buy printed books, and there are often reviews available on there.
Facebook groups, subreddits, and other social media platforms are good places to ask other coloring book enthusiasts about book recommendations.
Also, don’t forget to check YouTube for reviews. You might even find videos where you can find other coloring book lovers coloring in the book.