Keep track of your colored pencils, pens, or markers with this printable color swatch sheet. It’s an excellent tool for keeping organized.
Trying to find the perfect color for your coloring project can be tricky, especially when you have a lot of different colors to choose from. In addition, the color printed on a coloring pencil or pen sometimes looks different from how it looks on paper.
That’s why color swatching can be helpful.
You create a swatch sheet by coloring a sample of each of your pens, pencils, or markers. Then, keep this sheet with your coloring supplies to have it handy any time you are coloring. Learn more about color swatch sheets and how to use them with this tutorial: How to Make a Color Swatch Sheet.
I like to keep my swatch sheets in a binder like this:

The next time you are working on a coloring page, you can quickly look through your colors and decide which one you want to use.
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This swatch sheet has space for up to 30 different color samples. You can use it to keep track of the brand name, set name, and color names and codes.
Fits on letter-sized paper.